Ian Wallace has been in his current studio for 23 years. It is a romantic space with a wall of white painted metal windows, white painted open joist ceiling (cold in winter), house plants that only inhabit old loft spaces (dark, rubber leafed), and a red drum set. It reminded me of Dan Graham's New York loft, in which stacks of papers in office racking lined 2' wide paths meandering through a tall room, near impossible to walk through.
New 4' x 8' photos laminated on canvas being unrolled, reminded me how consistent Ian's work has been for 40 years. From early sequence studies, through pre-Wall art referential constructed photographic scenes, to a career exploring the relationship between mostly social commentary photographs and monochrome planes, which came out of anti-image paintings and a modernist minimal white plank sculpture of '69. His work has flourished since the technological advances of lamination around the mid eighties.